In my teaching I aim to support students to develop academically and personally. Being a teacher in analytical, quantitative sociology, I want students to explore und understand social phenoma using data. Doing so, students learn sociological thinking and reasoning and get equipped with essential knowledge and practical skills that are relevant to their future careers.
Lectures and courses
Introduction to statistics. Under-standing social phenoma using data
Are Europeans concerned about climate change? How strong is the link between general political attitudes and attitudes towards climate change? How big is the gender pay gap? Do migrants achieve lower educational attainment than non-migrants? In recent years there has been a dramatic increase in the use of statistics to answer these and many other questions by analysing quantitative evidence on social phenomena. This lecture introduces students to statistical methodology to address questions they seek to answer using quantitative data. A particular focus will be given to research questions in the Social Sciences using survey data, e.g. public opinion on climate change, social inequalities. Concepts are applied and deepened through data analyses with the statistical software R.
Social Inequality Beyond Europe.
Education and social stratification in Asia and South America
The unequal distribution of education and life chances is of continuous concern all over the world. For example, in Latin and South America and in many Asian countries unequal participation in education and disparate life chances are a major challenge to society and its development. This course brings together different theoretical perspectives on social inequality and social stratification with empirical evidence for countries beyond Europe.
The course is hold in collaboration with the International Office of the University of Cologne offering up to 10 students the possibility to attend a two-week summer school at the Symbiosis International University, Pune (India).
Gender Pay Gap -- and more. Gender equalities in the labour market
Income opportunities and social status in modern societies are significantly shaped by one's position in the labor market. In this seminar, we will delve into gender-specific inequalities in the labor market.
We will start with gender-specific choices in education and subsequently analyze income disparities, career strategies, and the effects of parenthood. Throughout, we will always consider structural, social, and/or organizational conditions. In addition, the course will feature practitioners who will share their experiences related to specific questions and workplace measures concerning gender equality and the reconciliation of work and family life.
Sociological perspectives on the transition from school to work
The transition from school to work is an important aspect of entering adulthood. In the course, we well discuss sociological perspectives on the transition from school to work and and how this transition is shaped by various social, economic, and cultural factors. Specific emphasis will be given to the life course perspective and research on social inequalities in the critical phase of life.